The students societies are the pivot around which the extra-curricular activities of the Institute revolve and play a significant role in the Institute life of the students. They serve as an important adjunct to course work also since it sponsors lectures by eminent engineers, debates, competitions, general knowledge quiz, essay competitions and various technical programmes and, in general, stimulate interest in the diverse spheres of a student’s life including games and sports. It provides ample opportunities for the students to develop their abilities in fine arts by conducting music competitions, dramatics, etc. This encourages emotional integration amongst students to a very great extent.

Main Aims and Objectives

1. To promote disciplined corporate, intellectual, civic and cultural life amongst students.
2. To foster activities to bring out the creative talent of the students.
3. To promote study (including discussion) of subjects of national and international importance.
4. To encourage amongst students, awareness of the responsibilities of an individual in democratic society.
5. To promote social service activities.
6. To know the latest developments.

Co-curricular Activities:

1. Seminars : The students are required to deliver a seminar based on advance softwares, research, domain knowledge and technology in the alternate semester. It is one of the requirement of partial fulfilment of the curriculum and also expose students to the recent knowledge in this subject.

2. Projects : The students are required to undertake a project in every even semester. It is also requirement of partial fulfillment of the curriculum. It gives students the knowledge of developing the softwares by following the scientific way of software development.

3. Paper Presentation : Department hold the paper presentation competition to acquaint students with the methodology of writing research papers and the presentation skills. 4. Advance training programme : Department organised need based advance training programes for the students to built technical competancy and hands on new technology.

5. Guest Lectures : The guest lectures of the industry experts, educationalists and domain experts are organised to prepare students to face industry challenges.

6. Aptitude test, technical test , Group discussions (Soft skill development) : Department conducts these tests weekly to improve aptitude, technical skill and to build leadership quality. To improve communication and public speaking skill.

Extra-curricular Activities:

Department organized extra-curricular activities to built the personality of the students and to motivate students to participate in social activities.

1. Debate Competition : Department organized inter collegiate debate competition every year in the month of September on the occasion of Teachers Day. It gives experience to the students to organize the events and also present their views on various burning topics.

2. Participation in Youth Festival : The students of this department participated in the youth festival of BPUT and demonstrated their skill in the cultural activities like Group songs, Skit, Mime etc.

3. Participation in University Sports: The students of this department represented University for inter University sports.

4. Deptt. organizes intramural sports in every semester to develop sportsmanship and to demonstrate the sports skill.

5. Social gathering: In every year department organized a cultural gathering and provide the students a platform to exhibit their skill in the cultural activity.